Clive India
Clive India 1
(at Olympos University)
Photocopy of a pencil drawing.
Clive India was a resident within The Meek, but was unaware that she would soon be leaving it. She was born within The Meek and had lived all her life there. She always had a sense that something was not right, but did not know what. It is fortunate that Clive India left The Meek when she did, because of what happened soon after.
Clive India 2
Pencil on paper.
Walking Cities 1
Probably ink on something, though this is a photocopy.
With large increases in population and large scale threats and changes of circumstance, it was deemed necessary to be able to transport entire populations without the usual hopeless gridlock at airports, train stations, ports and freeways. The solution was for habitats and workplaces to become collectively mobile. This culminated by stages in the intelligent walking cities. While they typically moved at extremely slow rates, they were in an emergency capable of rapid response, with the inhabitants suitably strapped in.
Walking Cities 2
Pencil on photocopy paper.
The Meek 1
Photocopy of a pencil drawing, coloured in with colour pencil.
The Meek sits, surrounded by the brilliant flicker of the ever blooming Mushroom Cloud Forest, in an atmosphere made rigid like glass by permanent compression waves. The Meek sought safety for its inhabitants at all costs. Its agents roamed far and wide seeking out and eliminating potential threats. Behind the seat of the Meek was a factory manufacturing and launching nuclear missiles in a constant stream. Keeping the Mushroom Cloud Forest permanently in place in a ring around the Meek.
Before The Meek was a pole, at the top of which was a temple within a glass-like ball. It was here that one might gain an audience with The Meek.
The Meek 2
Pencil on photocopy paper. The original pencil of The Meek.
The Meek 3
Pencil on photocopy paper.
Inside The Meek were hundreds of levels of suburban homes, malls and urban areas. Everyone lived in a white house under a painted blue sky. The inhabitants liked to film each other, then watch the films, and trivialise and criticise the participants. People on their screens did not warrant the kind of civility due to one who was physically present, and this applied also to acquaintances who were physically out of ear shot. It was all physically harmless. But the intelligence of The Meek was in the back of the mind of all the inhabitants: quietly criticising everything they did, thought and felt with a trivial petty mindedness and irrelevance. So that everyone was like someone on a screen with their own finnicky audience, like a mirror for their mind. They felt no connection with each other, but rather The Meek kept each of them company so that they never felt alone. It judged them, knew them, but served them and protected them, accepting them sins and all. Kept them safe and comfortable in its womb, and shielded them from important truths, assuring them they need only recognise their unworthiness of the gifts they received generously from it, and acknowledge the unimportant sins that were not their real ones.
Clive India 3
Pencil on photocopy paper.
Clive in the temple before The Meek. Bay and Jess are in the background.
The Meek 3
Pencil on photocopy paper.
The Meek was about to take a swipe at the temple.
The Meek 4
Pencil on photocopy paper.
When something appeared directly above it.
The Meek 5
Pencil on paper.
It was the red four-eyed cross monster. Its star-shaped mouth opened and something jumped out.
The Meek 6
Pencil on photocopy paper.
And ate The Meek all up.
Clive India 4
Black ink and colour pencil on paper.
Clive India in the worst public bathroom. The toilet leaks water and shit onto the floor.
Clive India 5
Black ink and colour pencil on paper.
Clive India rinses her head under a tap in the sink of the worst public bathroom.
Clive India 6
Black ink and colour pencil on paper.
Clive India leaves the worst public bathroom.
Clive India 7
Black ink and colour pencil on paper.
For a time, Clive was in a relationship with Nathaniel the alien monkey monk, and friends with Morgan.
Nathaniel 1
Pencil on photocopy paper.
Nathaniel the monkey monk.
Nathaniel 2
Pencil on photocopy paper.
Nathaniel arriving on Owel.
Nathaniel 3
Pencil on photocopy paper.
Nathaniel's people were known popularly as a race of linguists, and as pedantic.
Clive India 8
Pencil on photocopy paper.
Clive India on a balcony in an apartment building in Nicotine City.
Clive India 9
Black ink and colour pencil on illustration board.
Sweaty Clive India on a bed.
Clive India 10
Pencil on photocopy paper.
Sexy pinups of Clive India.
Clive India 11
Pencil on photocopy paper.
A pregnant Clive India in the backyard reads a newspaper article about an artificial womb.
Clive India 12
Black ink and colour pencil on illustration board.
The cause of Clive India's pregnancy.
Clive India 13
Pencil on photocopy paper.
Clive India in middle age.
Clive India 14
Pencil on photocopy paper.
The house Clive India retires to (bottom-right).
Clive India 15
Pencil on photocopy paper.
An earlier but more complete draft of Clive India 14.
Clive India 16
Pencil on photocopy paper.
Clive India in a shower.
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