
This page is for anything related to the Andrea mission to the Ophos system (See Herakles 1 on Kholleasis for more information), except for Kholleasis which has its own page.

Andrea 1 (final pencil)
Pencil on A2 cartridge paper.

See Andrea 1 on New Stuff for the finished image.

Andrea 1 (detail)

Andrea Bridge
Pencil on photocopy paper.

Andrea Bridge Interior
Pencil on photocopy paper.

Mistikyte storyboard p1
Ball point pen on ruled notepad.

Mistikyte appeared to be abandoned by its population. The Andrea sent down a drop ship to the surface. Countless robots ceaselessly maintained the empty cities. Wildlife roamed the empty streets and manicured gardens. There were no bodies or skeletons. After a while they suspected the population may exist within the computer network still active on the world. But none of their attempts at communication received a response, at least in the conventional sense.

Mistikyte storyboard p2
Ball point pen on ruled notepad.

At one point a large figure of a naked woman appeared, and stood motionless for some days until she just as mysteriously dissappeared. Although seemingly a statue she was composed of something with the consistency and texture of flesh to the touch. It was solid. They had not yet managed to penetrate their language or to unlock any digital or physical picture or movie archives. So they didn't know what they looked like. The large woman statue may have indicated their form, or may have merely been a reflection of the form of the visitors. But articles of furniture seemed to indicate that the population may have been humanoid.

At one point, one of the crew became separated from the others, and after walking inquisitively for a time found herself in a hallway filled with a tangle of oversized rose bush branches, complete with thorns and big red flowers, but long and coiling like vines. She picked her way carefully through, emerging into a room, a bedroom, with a wooden floor, a bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe. Without thinking, she took off her spacesuit and hung it up carefully in the wardrobe, and sat on the edge of the bed.

Mistikyte storyboard p3
Ball point pen on ruled notepad.

She felt a warm breeze against her calves and looked under the bed for the source. There was a large opening in the floor under the bed. She looked into it but it was pitch dark. The acoustics seemed to imply it was a large space inside, and warm air was emerging softly from it. She felt tired, so she undressed and went to bed without thinking. The bed was already made up. As she slept, tentacles emerged silently from under the bed.

Mistikyte storyboard p4
Ball point pen on ruled notepad.

She was dimly aware of something touching her body, moving over it. She was not quite asleep and not quite awake. She responded instinctively to the presence.

Mistikyte storyboard p5
Ball point pen on ruled notepad.

The tentacles undressed her and swelled as if filling with blood.

Mistikyte storyboard p6
Ball point pen on ruled notepad.

She was dripping.

Mistikyte storyboard p7
Ball point pen on ruled notepad.

Eventually she was fully awake, but still unconcerned.

Mistikyte storyboard p3 (detail)
Ball point pen on ruled notepad.

Tentacles 1 (final pencil)
Pencil on A2 cartridge paper.

See Tentacles 1 on New Stuff for the finished image.

Tentacles 1 (detail)

Mistikyte Cityscape
Pencil on photocopy paper.

The big influence on the Mistikyte sequence is the movie Forbidden Planet.

Idea for an id monster
Pencil on photocopy paper.

Drop ship with the cockpit canopy torn off
Pencil on photocopy paper.

Stranded on Misitikyte
Pencil on photocopy paper.

When the Andrea left Mistikyte and the Ophos system for home, two of the crew, a husband and wife, elected to remain behind on Misitkyte. Later they had a daughter, shortly before his wife's death.

The couch they are sitting on
Pencil on photocopy paper.

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