
To see a collection of just finished images instead of background material and works in progress, see: New Stuff.

Joanne 1 (final pencil)
Pencil on A2 cartridge paper, in 4 A4 scans.

Joanne 1 (detail)

Joanne storyboard - p1
Ball-point pen on ruled note pad.

Joanne storyboard - p2
Ball-point pen on ruled note pad.

Joanne storyboard - p3
Ball-point pen on ruled note pad.

Joanne storyboard - p4
Ball-point pen on ruled note pad.

Joanne 2a pencil
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

The butterfly in Joanne 1 was a late addition.

Joanne 2b pencil
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Joanne 3a pencil
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Joanne 3b pencil
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

I plan to give both Joanne's parents tattoos. Joanne never got any. She liked skin the way it was.

Joanne 4 pencil
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Her father was in a band, which she knew was very cool. Her mother didn't seem to have a job except for pleasing Joanne's father, and smoking. Joanne thought living in a caravan in a caravan park was much cooler than living in a boring house. Like a gypsy caravan. Her parents would send her to the fridge to fetch them beers. When she returned excitedly with them they made fun of her for being a "people pleaser".

Joanne 5 pencil
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Nearly every night as she lay in bed she would hear a weird slopping sound and moans. She didn't investigate for a long time because it always happened after she was shooed off to bed. But one night she leant over the edge of the bed and saw them reflected in the front of the oven. So then she climbed out of bed and sat on the floor near them, watching. When they eventually noticed her they paid it no mind. From that night on they made no attempt to conceal their sexual activity from her.

Joanne 5a pencil
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Joanne 5b pencil
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Years later she was listening to the same thing.

The boys' toilet
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Eventually she took up the practice herself in a big way, since it seemed the very essence of being grown up.

Afternoon delight 1
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Afternoon delight 2
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Afternoon delight 3
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

She sought to recapture the mystical feeling of those first experiences of seeing her parents together.

Pole dancing interview
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Nightclub 1
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Nightclub 2
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Nightclub 3
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Nightclub 4
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

Joanne worked for a while in a nightclub. Patrons were permitted to fondle the girls in the public areas. Full service was offered in small booths in the rear. A lounge chair with a large mirror in front and to the side, and a thick curtain for the entrance behind for privacy.

Nightclub 5
Pencil on A3 photocopy paper.

There was a roster for the girls to blow the manager, each in rotation. Or the acting manager in his absence.

All the artwork in this blog is on a thumb drive in a folder called "SA", for "Slut Apocalypse". It was an overarching title I considered for the comic. The title doesn't mean anything in particular. The overall story is not of an apocalypse caused by or directed against sluts. I just chose the word slut because it conveyed sexy, and I thought apocalypse sounded epic and dramatic.

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